Category: Council Agendas

August 11, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council August 11, 2020 7:00 p.m. I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION          IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS VI       BILLS VII      MAYOR VIII     COUNCIL/COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS             Invitation...

July 28, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council July 28, 2020 7:00 p.m PUBLIC HEARING             Six Year Transportation Program I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION          IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS             Resolution 2020-04:...

July 14, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council July 14, 2020 7:00 p.m. I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION          IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS             Change Order: Energy Contract- Apollo             Accept bid for...

May 26, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council May 26, 2020 7:00 p.m. I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS                 Request for Utility Bill reductions             Purchase of Chemicals...

May 12, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council May 12, 20207:00 p.m.   I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS Acceptance of bid for the TIB Mentzer and Second Avenue project...

March 10, 2020 Tentative Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council March 10, 2020 7:00 p.m.  I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS Ordinance 1356- Overfill of garbage containers Resolution 2020-01- Adopting...

February 25, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council February 25, 2020 7:00 p.m. I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS Ordinance 1352- Loan to Irrigation Ordinance 1353- Amend the Irrigation Fund...

February 11, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council February 11, 2020 7:00 p.m.   I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS               Contingent Lease Agreement with Historical Society           ...