City of Granger - Washington Blog

Upcoming Projects!!

The City of Granger is working on it’s city priorities. Looking into the future and upgrading our infrastructure is a priority. Currently we are working on Granger’s Comprehensive Plan that we will implement in...

January 24, 2017 Minutes

GRANGER CITY COUNCIL  6:00 pm                                                               City Hall January 24, 2016                                                                 102 Main Street MINUTES  CALL TO ORDER Mayor Trevino called the meeting of January 24, 2017 to order at 7:00 p.m. FLAG SALUTE Mayor...

January 24, 2017 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council January 24, 2017 I            CALL TO ORDER II          ROLL CALL III        AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV        MINUTES V         NEW BUSINESS Award the Bid for Granger’s legal newspaper Expenditure Request – Evergreen Rural...

January 19, 2017 Special Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council January 19, 2017                                                                              I          CALL TO ORDER  II         ROLL CALL  III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV     NEW BUSINESS Interview process- council appointment        V       EXECUTIVE SESSION VI     RECONVENE FOR ACTION            ...

January 12, 2017 Minutes

 GRANGER CITY COUNCIL  6:00 pm                                                                                               City Hall January 12, 2016                                                                         102 Main Street MINUTES  CALL TO ORDER Mayor Trevino called the continued meeting of January 10, 2017 to order at 6:00 p.m....

January 12, 2017 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council January 10, 2017                                                                              I           CALL TO ORDER   II         ROLL CALL  III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION  IV       MINUTES  V         NEW BUSINESS                      Request purchase of welder Update City’s Standard Specification and...

December 27, 2016 Minutes

GRANGER CITY COUNCIL 6:00 pm                                                                                               City Hall December 27, 2016                                                                            102 Main Street MINUTES   CALL TO ORDER Was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Trevino FLAG SALUTE Mayor...

December 27, 2016 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council December 27, 2016 I         CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV       MINUTES V     NEW BUSINESS Ordinance 1268 – Scout Cabin Ordinance 1269 – converting from warrants to...

December 14, 2016 Minutes

GRANGER CITY COUNCIL 6:00 pm                                                                                               City Hall December 14, 2016                                                                            102 Main Street MINUTES   CALL TO ORDER Was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Trevino FLAG SALUTE Mayor...

December 13, 2016 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council December 13, 2016                                                                                       I         CALL TO ORDER                                                                                II         ROLL CALL                         PUBLIC HEARING – PRELIMINARY BUDGET                         Ordinance 1265 III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION IV       MINUTES V       NEW BUSINESS Ordinance...