City of Granger - Washington Blog

September 8, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council September 8, 2020 7:00 p.m. I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL PUBLIC HEARING- Building Codes             7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION  IV       MINUTES  V        NEW BUSINESS...

August 25, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council August 25, 2020 7:00 p.m. I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION             Peter King to award Mayor with his Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership      IV       MINUTES...

August 11, 2020 Council Minutes

GRANGER CITY COUNCIL August 11, 2020 Zoom Meeting                                                                                                                     August 11, 2020                           ...

August 11, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council August 11, 2020 7:00 p.m. I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION          IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS VI       BILLS VII      MAYOR VIII     COUNCIL/COUNCIL SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS             Invitation...

July 28, 2020 Council Minutes

GRANGER CITY COUNCIL July 28, 2020 Zoom Meeting                                                                                                   July 28, 2020                                             ...

July 28, 2020 Council Agenda

AGENDA Granger City Council July 28, 2020 7:00 p.m PUBLIC HEARING             Six Year Transportation Program I          CALL TO ORDER II         ROLL CALL III       AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION/PRESENTATION          IV       MINUTES V        NEW BUSINESS             Resolution 2020-04:...