Special Meeting- August 17, 2021


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting will be held by the Granger City Council on Tuesday the 17TH of August , 2021 at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide notice that the City of Granger will submit an application for funding with the USDA, Economic Impact Initiative to acquire 15 FXR Turnout Gear Coat and Pants.

Citizens wishing more information on the submission of this grant may stop by the Granger City Hall and review the grant application or may call Granger City Hall at 509 854-1725 and ask for Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer.

Any citizen interested in commenting and can’t make the meeting, may do so by:

Emailing their comments to Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer at tog@televar.com or

Mail comments to City of Granger C/O Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer at PO Box 1100, Granger WA  98932 or

Drop off your comments at City Hall, 102 Main Street, Granger WA

The City of Granger encourages the citizens to participate in this meeting and written comments will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on the 17th of August. Any additional information needed, please contact Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer at 509 854-1725.



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