Six Year Transportation Improvement Program

City of Granger

Notice of Public Hearing

Six Year Transportation Improvement Program

Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Granger, Washington pursuant to the provision of chapter 35.77 revised code of Washington, intends to revise the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Granger, as heretofore adopted. Notice is further given that a Public Hearing on the proposed revision will be held in the Council Chambers, 102 Main Street, Granger, Washington, at 7:00 p.m. on June 22, 2021, after which the City Council will make a final determination concerning the proposed revisions. Due to Governors restrictions on social distancing and social gathering, the Public Hearing will not be open to the public, however there are several methods you can ask questions or comment during the Public Hearing, they are as follows:

  • Emailing your comments to Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer at or
  • Mail comments to City of Granger C/O Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer at PO Box 1100, Granger WA 98932 or
  • Drop off your comments at City Hall, 102 Main Street, Granger WA or
  • Comments will also be taking during the Public Hearing that will be broadcast on the City of Granger’s Facebook live by calling to (509) 854-1725

The City of Granger encourages the citizens to participate in this meeting and written comments will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on the 18th of June.  Any additional information needed, please contact Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer at 509 854-1725. The public is encouraged to review the revised Six Year Transportation Improvement Program on our website: under News and Projects.    This Public Hearing will be broadcast on the City of Granger’s Facebook live. Comments may be mail C/O Alice Koerner, Clerk/Treasurer, PO Box 1100, Granger WA.  98932, emailed to or you may drop them off at City Hall

Six Year Transportation Program From 2022-2027


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