Budget Meeting October 29, 2018



6:00 pm                                                                        City Hall

October 29, 2018                                                                          102 Main Street



Mayor Trevino called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL – All present

Jose Trevino                        Steve Araguz, Interim Chief of Police
Maria Gonzalez                   Alice Koerner City Clerk Treasurer
Maggie Estrada                  Nancy Mortensen, Deputy Clerk
Julie Sharp
Juan Isiordia
Lilia Villarreal

Interim Chief of Police Steve Araguz review the different funds that he is responsible, starting the Police Department Fund within the General Fund. Stating that in light of the projected shortfall, he had reviewed his budget and had made some changes, reducing the police budget by $7,875.  He explained which items he had reduced and which ones he had increased.  He explained that the fuel line item had been increased because of the take home car program, feeling this was a vital program which was important in attracting new officers and retaining the officers we have. He explained that in the criminal justice fund, 135 is where the dispatching and the housing inmates was paid from. He review fund 137, Crime Prevention Fund with Council stating that his fund receives it’s money from an assessed penalty added to court fines. He said that this fund was used to help with expenses for National Night Out and for items relating to crime prevention for the young children as give always at different events. He informed Council that fund 139, the Public Safety fund helped with the Court Administrators wage, and there was also a contingency for unexpected expenditures that may arise in the Court. It was explained that later in the 2019 year, this fund would be revisited to see what may be needed for the Police Department and that would qualify as a use for the remainder revenue brought in for the year.

The budget meeting of October 29, 2018 adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


Budget Meeting 10-29-18 Printable Version


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